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Keep up

Another month passed by, and another Keep Up waits for you to read it. This time, our month has passed in mostly digital mode with a considerable number of digital news, such as digital driving licenses, or digital transformation. You have missed reading it? Don't worry, just keep on reading.  We got your back.   We are all working hard – lawyers, economists, accountants, creative directors, fashion designers, tailors, musicians, teachers, gardeners, caterers, and so many more! They all work…
Welcome to another series of overviews of all the topics we shared with you in the month of January. It was an interesting one - full of different topics, covering up-to-date news from the EU and Croatia. We’ve put all of those themes in one place – our monthly Keep Up. Interested in what’s new in the sphere of the EU and Croatia? Keep on reading. The European Union recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the EU single market, which has facilitated the free movement of goods, services,…
Naša “I SEE YOU” priča o GDPR-u i video nadzoru za male, srednje i velike poduzetnike, se nastavlja. Nakon što smo vas upoznali sa zahtjevima koje poduzetnik treba ispuniti oko obavijesti, u ovoj objavi, govorit ćemo o pravima ispitanika čiji podaci se obrađuju. Osim postavljanja oznake iz prethodnog posta, ispitaniku je potrebno pružiti sljedeće informacije: koja je svrha i pravna osnova za obradu osobnih podataka, tko ima pravo pristupa tim podacima, koji je vremenski rok pohrane zapisa…
Još jedna zanimljiva tema pronašla se u našem Keep Up odjeljku. Ovaj put upoznajemo vas s GDPR regulacijom video nadzora koje se odnose na mikro, male i srednje poduzetnike. A to ćemo odraditi u ova dva specijalna Keep Up izdanja pod nazivom: I SEE YOU. Iako video nadzor u određenim životnim i poslovnim situacijama ima svojih prednosti, ipak se postavljanjem nadzornih kamera uvelike zadire u privatnost osoba kao jednog od temeljnih ljudskih prava. Upravo zbog navedenog razloga, s aspekta GDPR…
We're on a roll here – our Intellectual Property series continues… Want to find out what is WIPO? World Intellectual Property Organization is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. Iti s a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states. WIPO provides: a policy forum to shape balanced international IP rules for a changing world global services to protect IP across borders and to resolve disputes technical…
Are you ready for our new educational series? We’re here again, with another interesting series. Let’s talk about EUIPO. Let’s talk about EUIPO! EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design.
The core business of EUIPO has been the registration of EU trademarks and registered Community designs, which are valid throughout the European Union (EU).
It also has role in the harmonisation of…
For a last few months, we’ve talked a lot about European Union, but also about the intellectual property. We started quite a few series on our social media accounts. One of them was about SIPO. In today’s world, intellectual property protection is essential for businesses and individuals alike to ensure that their ideas and creations are protected and respected. The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of the Republic of Croatia is the public body established for the purpose of…
Welcome to another series of overviews of all the topics we shared with you last month. We started our May communication by marking the anniversary of the historic Schuman Declaration, the one which laid the foundations of today's European Union. Also, as the European Year of Youth 2022 focuses on European young people and the voices of citizens reinforced by the Conference on the Future of Europe, this 9 May was a good time to discuss the challenges Europeans face today and suggestions on…
The new WOLF 2.0 Congress is just around the corner, so let’s a take a trip down the memory lane and talk about the WOLF 1.0. The WOLF Congress brought together ambitious, enterprising and creative people who have built successful careers through their education, experience, sacrifice, risk-taking and dedication. Through conversation and various life examples, the speakers presented to the individuals the doubts, the challenges that came along the way, the decisions that had to be made and the…
You know there is a saying “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” and we aspire to that always. We seek for new opportunities but along side enjoy all of our projects we’re working on every day. This first two months of this year passed by so fast, but we experienced amazing new things and business adventures, so here is a little overview of the key topics we covered online. As you scroll throughout our social media, you could notice that we like to covered topics that are…

A word about us

« Armatus Prudentia is a team of young enthusiastic and quality experts that I warmly recommend. Cooperation with Mauro and Maria on the protection of personal data and on drafting the business documents, as well as their continuous professional advice and assistance are extremely important for the civil society like ‘Sunce’. Their professional approach, depth of understanding the issue and quality of work are to be commended. In addition to their professional work, we are also proud to have them as our dear volunteers and partners. »
- Božica Križanić, Office and Project Manager at Centar za edukaciju i savjetovanje Sunce
« Armatus Prudentia is helping us with all the steps necessary for our transition (investment) from the US market to the Croatian and EU market – from conducting the initial market researches to leading us every step of the way through this transition (investment). If you are planning to expend your business to the Croatian or EU market we are highly recommending Armatus Prudentia as your partner and support. If you need more information, feel free to contact me on the following Email: »
- dr. Stela Susac – Pavic, Medical Director / CEO at HouseCalls-MD
« A team of young, professional people with experience in knowing ESI funds and the GDPR in this area. Definitely a team that easily researches and finds new, useful information. »
- Ivana Matošin, Head of Sector for Information, Education and Technical Assistance at Ministry Of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
« Maria and Mauro are two great and highly skilled young professionals, who in addition to their premium services bring added value to their clients. Their dedication, enthusiasm and perfectionism makes Armatus Prudentia more than just an external consultant, it makes them part of our team. »
- Martiana Džepina, Managing Director at MEDILAB ONE d.o.o.
« The modern market is dynamic and demanding, and business excellence is no longer reserved just for a few companies, but goes without saying for everyone who operates on that market. Armatus Prudentia, besides expertise and experience, brings precisely this "know how" which through finesse and details makes a great difference, as well as supports the safe and peaceful business activities of the company in all situations. »
- Marko Džepina, Managing Director at MEDILAB ONE d.o.o.
« During the audit of the compliance of the ESF bodies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I cooperated directly with Maria and Mauro in planning the audits, on meetings, on creating working papers, on reporting and on the subsequent quality control of the work carried out. The quality of the reports, respect for deadlines and professionalism are the main reasons I recommend Armatus Prudentia. For additional information, feel free to contact me. »
- Goran Zakanji, Head of Service for Audit of European Social Fund, Sector for Audit of Structural Instruments in Agency for the Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (ARPA)
« From the very beginning, pleasant and positive cooperation. A very professional team with special emphasis on precise and quick problem solving, as well as easy to communicate with, their availability is really commendable. They take care of their clients, which is extremely important today »
- Sanja Perić, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR for COMMON AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE at Central Finance and Contracting Agency
« Team that is always ready to go that extra mile for contentment and trust of their clients! Hard-working, trustworthy and professional. »
« Armatus Prudentia and its team brings to the market so much needed quality, skilled and detailed approach, as well as availability at any time! »
- Ivan Ante Nikolić, CEO at BLINK ltd
« Skilled, professional and always available. Simply, a partner to wish for! »
- Vedran Turković, CEO at DeepIT ltd

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